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Agenda 02/02/2015
6:30 pm: Regular Joint Boards of Trustees*
*Immediately Following: City Council & WPC Authority
Monday, February 2, 2015
*Immediately Following the Joint Boards of Trustees Meeting Starting at 6:30 pm
City Hall Auditorium   
1. Vote to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 20, 2015

Open to Public  
2. Vote to open the meeting to the public.

3. Vote to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Jonathan Andrews to the Inland Wetlands Commission for a three-year term expiring September 5, 2017.

4.  Vote to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Christopher Beyus to the Economic Development Commission to fill a vacancy in a five-year term expiring February 9, 2016.

5.  Vote to approve the Mayor’s re-appointment of Nancy Sieller and JoAnn Ryan to the Economic Development Commission for five-year terms expiring February 9, 2020.

Titans Contract
6.  Vote to approve an addendum to the Titans Contract, having been previously approved by the Park & Recreation Commission.

Water Pollution Control Facility Reconstruction
7.  Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to adopt a resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into and sign contracts on behalf of the City of Torrington concerning the Reconstruction of the Water Pollution Control Facility and Wastewater Infrastructure.

Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement
8.  Acting herein as the Water Pollution Control Authority, vote to approve the following payments from Fund #490 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement for Capital Project D-2A East Drainage Basin Rehabilitation:

DATE            CONTRACTOR              INVOICE#        AMOUNT$         DESCRIPTION
1/9/15  Weston & Sampson                441144  $2,250.00               East Drainage Basin I/I Rehab
1/9/15  Weston & Sampson                441145  $1,825.00               East Drainage Basin I/I Rehab
1/15/15 True Blue Environmental Pay Req #6      $119,817.28             East Drainage Basin I/I Rehab

Small Cities Payments
9.  Vote to authorize the following payments:                                   
Fund    Vendor  Requisition #   Date    Amount  Description
250     L. Wagner & Assocs.     HRLR-233        1/5/2015        $  900.00       Prof. Svcs. Housing Rehab Loan Repmt. 10/1/14 – 12/31/14
270     L. Wagner & Assocs.     13-SC-42        1/5/2015        $3,525.00       Prof. Svcs. Housing Rehab 10/1/14 – 12/31/14
270     L. Wagner & Assocs.     13-SC-43        1/5/2015        $11,587.50      Prof. Svcs. Housing Rehab 10/1/14 – 12/31/14
271     L. Wagner & Assocs.     14-SC-02        1/5/2015        $3,000.00       Prof. Svcs. Small Cites Block Grant 10/1/14 – 12/31/14
271     L. Wagner & Assocs.     14-SC-03        1/5/2015        $3,825.00       Prof. Svcs. Small Cites Block Grant 10/1/14 – 12/31/14
274     L. Wagner & Assocs.     MLR-21  1/5/2015        $2,687.50       Prof. Svcs. Micro Loan Program 10/1/14 – 12/31/14
277     Safe Homes, Inc.                ESC-13-15       1/21/2015       $  400.00       Lead Paint Testing Project #143-342

Department Heads
10. Vote to consider business presented by Department Heads.

Business: Mayor & Members
11. Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the City Council.

Executive Session
12. Vote to enter Executive Session under pending litigation.

Open Session/Adjournment